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中国传统故事英文版中国古代故事英文版8篇中国传统故事英文版中国古代故事英文版 TheMagicLotus LanternandOtherTales from theHanChineseHaiwangYuanLIB下面是小编为大家整理的中国传统故事英文版中国古代故事英文版8篇,供大家参考。



e M agi c Lot us

 Lant ern and Ot her Tal es

 f rom

 t he Han Chi nes e Haiwang YuanLI BRARI ES UNLI M I TED

 The Magic Lo tus Lan tern and Other Talesfrom the Han Chi nese

 W orl d Fol k l ore Ad vi

 s ory BoardSi

 m on J.


 Ph. D. Dis tin guished Pro fes sor of Folk lore and Amer i can Stud ies Penn syl va nia State Uni ver sity at Har ris burgJo s eph Bruchac,

 Ph. D. Abenaki Sto ry teller and WriterNat al i e O.


 Ph. D. Pro fes sor of Slavic Lan guage and Lit er a ture Uni ver sity of Vir giniaNorm a J.

 Li vo,

 Ed. D. Writer and Sto ry tellerM ar ga ret

 Read M ac Don al d,

 Ph. D. King County Li brary Sys tem

 The Magic Lo tus Lan ternand Other Tales fromthe Han Chi neseHai wang YuanFore word by Mi chael Ann Wil liams

  Westport, Con nect i cut •

 Lon donW orl d Fol k l ore Se ri es


 brary of

 Con gres s


 a l og i ng- i n- Pub l i

 ca t i on Dat a Yuan, Haiwang.

  The magic lo tus lan tern and other tales from the Han Chi nese / By Haiwang Yuan ;

  Fore word by Mi chael Ann Wil liams.

  p. cm. — (World folk lore se ries)

  In cludes bib lio graph i cal ref er ences and in dex.

  ISBN 1-59158-294-6 (alk. pa per)

  1. Tales—China. I. Ti tle. II. Se ries.




  2006011702 Brit ish Li brary Cat a logu ing in Pub li ca tion Data is avail able.Copy right © 2006 by Li brar ies Un lim itedAll rights re served. No por tion of this book may be re pro duced, by any pro cess or tech nique, with out the ex press writ ten con sent of the pub lisher. Li brary of Con gress Cat a log Card Num ber: 2006011702ISBN: 1-59158-294-6First pub lished in 2006Li brar ies Un lim ited, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881A Mem ber of the Green wood Pub lish ing Group, in the United States of Amer icaThe pa per used in this book com plies with the Per ma nent Pa per Stan dard is sued by the Na tional In for ma tion Stan dards Or ga ni za tion










 1The pub lisher has done its best to make sure the in struc tions and/or rec i pes in this book are cor rect.How ever, us ers should ap ply judg ment and ex pe ri ence when pre par ing rec i pes, es pe cially par entsand teach ers work ing with young peo ple. The pub lisher ac cepts no re spon si bil ity for the out come ofany rec ipe in cluded in this vol ume.

 For my mother and fa ther

 CONTENTSCon tentsCon tentsFore word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiAc knowl edg ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiiiIn tro duc tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvPart


 A Gen eral

 I n t ro duc t i on t o Chi naLand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Peo ple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Lan guages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8His tory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Re li gion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Cus toms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Mu sic and Per form ing Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Fine Arts and Ar chi tec ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Lit er a ture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Sto ry tell ing in China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Part



 Gam es ,

 and Craf t sFood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Jiaozi (Dump lings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Hongzao niangao (New Year’s Cake with Dates). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Laba zhou (The Twelfth Month Con gee) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Zongzi (Dump lings in Bam boo or Reed Leaves). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Zhima shaobing (Ses ame Cake) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Yuanxiao (Rice Dump lings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Dandanmian (Sichuan Noo dle). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Yuebing (Moon Cake) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Ban douya (Bean Sprout Salad). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Suanlatang (Hot and Sour Soup). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Con t ent svi i

 Jiang niurou (Multiflavored Beef) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Fanqie chao jidan (Stir-Fried To mato and Egg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Ad di tional Read ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Laoying zhuo xiaoji (Ea gle and Chicks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Tiaoma (Horse Jump ing). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Zhuangguai (Leg Bump ing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Jiguchuanhua (Drum and Flower). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Diushoupa (Drop the Hand ker chief). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Ad di tional Read ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Crafts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Cut ting a Chi nese Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Ty ing a Chi nese Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Mak ing a Lan tern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Fold ing a Chi nese Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Ad di tional Read ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Part


 The Tal es An i mal Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Mon keys Fish ing the Moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62A Frog in a Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64A Fox and a Ti ger—Who Is the Real King of the Jun gle? . . . . . . . . . . . 65A Ti ger That First Sees a Don key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Wolf “Mother”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67A Mon key and a Ti ger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Magic Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Nezha Fights Sea Drag ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72A Beauty on a Paint ing Scroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75The Field-snail Fairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Dragon Prin cess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80The Magic Lo tus Lan tern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83Mon key King and the Iron Fan Prin cess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86A Cricket Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Tales of Love and Ro mance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92The But ter fly Lov ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93A For saken Wife and Her Un faith ful Hus band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97A Pea cock Fly ing South east . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Cow herd and Weav ing Girl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105Meng Jiang Wails at the Great Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108A Ro mance of Zhang Gong and Cui Yingying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112Xu Xuan and His White-snake Wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Myths, Leg ends, and Im mor tals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118Guanyin, God dess of Mercy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119vi i iCon t ent s

 Mazu, Mother God dess of the Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122A Danc ing Crane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125Eight Im mor tals Cross ing the Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127Bao Zheng and the Fox Fairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131Mulan Fights in the Guise of a Male Sol dier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135Women Gen er als of the Yang Fam ily and Com mander-in-Chief

 Mu Guiying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138Gun and Yu Con quer the De luge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Moral Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145Laozi’s Proph ecy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....


e Story of China (1 )Myths And Legends I. Script

  China is the oldest nation on earth. For thousands of years its rulers believed their task was to keep human society in balance with the eternal order of the universe. The emperor who achieved that harmony would receive the mandate of heaven, blessed by the ancestors. But in the late 19th century the collision with the West shook China to its core. In midwinter 1899,the emperor came here to the Altar of Heaven in Beijing to ask the ancestors for support in China’s hour of crisis, as the empire crumbled in the face of rebellion and foreign armies. It was the last time the ritual was performed Here, just before dawn on the winter solstice...the emperor prostrated himself before the powers of the universe. He performed rituals that they believed went back 5,000 years to the Yellow Emperor, the mythical first founder of China. He made a report to the ancestors about the state of the empire. But that winter of 1899...China faced disaster. The following year,1900,China was plunged into catastrophe with rebellion, flood and famine...foreign aggression...and the new century saw swiftly the fall of the Empire, short-lived republic, Communist revolution and then the insane madness of the Cultural Revolution. But despite the tragedies of the 20th century, the Chinese people have come through. Today China is writing its own story once more, under a new mandate. So long the greatest civilization on earth, China is rising again. It’s a great time to be looking at the events which have shaped the history of China and the ideals which have made its culture so distinctive and so brilliant for so long. Ever year in spring millions of Chinese people set off on the journey home. It’s the time of the Qing Ming Festival, the festival of light, when, since ancient times, the Chinese have honored the ancestors. I’m heading down to the city of Wuxi for a very special occasion, a family reunion. For the last 30 years Chinese people have grown up in a consumer society. After the break with Communism, China has been on a headlong rush into the future. But there’s a deeper China, for as new freedoms beckon, the people themselves are reaching back the things that have mattered most to them in their history. And for the Chinese people, identity begins with the family. Sometimes the new proves less enticing than was first thought and the old far more durable than anymore had ever imagined. This is the Qin family of Wuxi. It’s dawn on the day of the ancestors, what the Chinese call Tome-Sweep Day. And the Qin family gather at the grave of their founding ancestors, Qin Guan, a poet who lived 1,000 years ago. They have come from all over China and further afield to make their own report to the ancestors. To tell them how the family is doing and how the ancestors and their values still live on in us. As the ancients used to say, repaying our roots. Amazing scene, Isn’t is? It recalls the whole of Chinese history over the last 100 years, wars,

 revolutions, famines, families broken up and cast to the four winds, and yet they come back with this kind of homing instinct, almost ,to the tomb of the founder, as if everything can be reconstituted again. These rituals were banned in the Communist era and the grave was lost after the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.But when the revolutionary time drew to a close ,Frank

  Ching and his sister came searching for the tomb. Back in 1982,when I found that gravestone, none of these things existed. When I first sought it out I was like a blank slate, I didn’t know what existed. It’s really very exciting that this is happening. I certainly never expected anything like this to happen when I started my own journey of discovery. Like everyone in China, the Qin family have experienced dizzying change since the end of empire. From colonial subjects to emigres seeking a better life, Communist revolutionaries on the long march with Chairman Mao and even glamour on the Shanghai stage. Their family story

 mirrors the story of the nation .And now the meaning of that history is flooding back. So the Chinese people have found again the warmth of home...after the vast and terrifying dislocation of the mid-20th century when for a time China turned its back on its past. The Qin family, like the nation itself, are seeking a renewed identity, a distinctively Chinese way forward, anchored in the Chinese past. And that past goes back thousands of years.China is the oldest continuous state on earth. There are no historical texts that describe its birth but later myths and traditions take us to the Yellow River plain that gave China its name, Zhongguo ,the middle land. And here you can still reach back to those beginnings .This is a rural fair at an ancient temple ,closed down in the Communist era. I’m at a great farmers festival in the plain of the Yellow River with a million people all around me. And these vast crowds have come to celebrate an ancient myth that tells the origins of the Chinese people. As in many ancient cultures ,it’s the women who have treasured the tales and handed them down. How much? Three? Especially the tale of the mother goddess of the Chinese people, Nu Wa. Little dog. It’s great, isn’t it? This whole great festival is to two ancient goods in Chinese mythology, Fu Xi, the male god, and Nu Wa, the female god. And she’s famous because she created humanity out of the yellow mud that was left over she made dogs and chickens, according to the myth. These myths have been handed down for over 4,000 years. And they contain a crucial idea, the uniqueness of Chinese ethnic identity. China is a huge and diverse country, with so many languages and cultures. But the vast majority of its people see themselves as Han Chinese, part of the biggest tribe in the world. The myths also tell is about the origins of the Chinese the banks of the Yellow River. All four of the great old world civilizations began on rivers--the Nile, the Euphrates, the Indus and the Yellow River. China along has come down until today. It was the ability to harness the waters of the rivers for irrigation that enabled ancient people to feed bigger and bigger population and eventually to create cities and make civilization.[13;24]But where the rising of the Nile, for example, was predictable to the day and seen by Egyptians as a joyful and benign soave of life, the Yellow River here in China has been a destroy. The killer of millions in its great floods. Through Chinese history, right up to the century. And so the beginnings of

 Chinese history, the control of the river and its environment lay at the very heart of political power . And the tale of the king who tamed the mighty Yellow River and claimed the right to rule the hundreds of tribes along its banks became a myth still told by today"s story tellers King Yu had two good helpers Yellow Dragon and Black Turtle. The dragon had a very long tail and the turtle was very strong. To divert the flood the dragon dragged his tail and opened a channel for water. When king Yu needed to build a dam, the turtle pushed huge amounts of mud into position. King Yu worked so hard to control the river that he didn"t return home for 13years. Look at this. This is a Ming Dynasty temple that was built in the 1520s built on a very , very ancient terrace. And that is King Yu. Historians have always thought the tale of King Yu was just a myth, but the recent find of a bronze bowl nearly 3000 years old engraved with his story proves the tale goes back to the Bronze Age. The legend says that King Yu was the founder of China"s first dynasty 4000 years ago. They were called the Xia and they came from the middle plain of the middle land here in Her Nan. And at the village of Erlitou , traditions survived until modern times that this had been the seat of China"s first rulers. The most ancient site in the world? Erlitou, yes Erlitou. Incredible! Ancient Greece, ancient Iraq,

 ancient Egypt…wherever you look, some memory survives on site. Here, towns first emerged out of China"s myriad stone. Agar village This is the burial site of Huang di. It"s thousands of years old Huandi, the Yellow Emperor, the original Emperor of China. North of the River Luo there was an ancient village. This area was

 excavated, the things they dug out are over there. Under these wheat fields, the archaeologists excavated a settlement which had thousands of people and huge walled enclosure. The white house, the taller one is Palace No.4. Inside it were pillared halls, Palaces from different periodic between 2000 and 1500BC. They stood on rammed earth platforms one of them with

 a triple gate, the pattern of all late Chinese royal cities. The xia are still a mystery. But here at Erlitou archaeologists have found tantalizing clues, pottery , bronze casting and most intriguing of all, a burial with A scepter made of 2000 pieces of turquoise in the shape of dragon the symbol of royalty all the way through Chinese civilization. Whether the Xia were China"s first dynasty and Whether This was their capital is still not known and that"s because we lack the key evidence, writing. Do you think that this was the capital of the Xia or what do you think? Difficult question. Most Historians believe the Xia existed. We are 0.99 sure of that but without writing we cannot prove it. If it This was the capital of the Xia , for the Chinese, myth would become history for they would have found the root of the Chinese state. As it is , though we now have to leap forward to around 1200 BC to find, China"s first historical rulers, the Shang Dynasty. And we know about the Shang is one of the most exciting stories in world archaeology. And it began by chance in one of those storehouse of age old. Chinese wisdom A traditional pharmacy where beliefs and practices going back into prehistory have come down to us today. And the clues to the mystery of the Shang, unbelievably were found Inside a packet of over - the - counter medicine. The story goes like this , 1899, Chinese scholar called wang Yirong, who was the chance loll of the Imperial Academy in Beijing, a great scholar and a collector of ancient bronze. He was interested in the e...


lkloresFolklore is the traditionalstories, customs, an habits of aparticular community or nationparticular community or nation. Teammates:孙越汪代露

 The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver

 Dong Yong and the

  Seventh FairyLiang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

 Lady WhiteMeng Jiang GirlLu Ban

 Dong Yong and the Seventh Fairy In the Han Dynasty lived a man by the name of Dong Yong. His family was poor when he was a small child. When his father died, he was willing to sell himself into slavery for a little money for the funeral Moved by his filial pietymoney for the funeral. Moved by his filial piety, the youngest daughter of the Emperor of Heaven secretly

 came to the secular world. With the soil as their matchmaker, they held a wedding under an old locust tree. In order to repay the debt, the couple returned to the master to work as slaves.

 Since the fairy could weave ten bolts of fine silk overnight, the master cut down Dong Yong’s hire period from three years to one hundred days. On the expiration, the couple were returning home when the God of Heaven made an edict that the fairy should go back to thean edict that the fairy

 should go back to the heavenly palace. Shedding tears, the fairy had to part with Dong Yong under the old locust tree. She flew into the sky and vanished.

 In Guixi area, there lived a girl, Sanjie liu. She

 was fond of singing folk songs and sang very well.

 There was an industrious youth named Shitian Li who usually learned singing from Sanjie Liu. During the study they fell in love with each other Attackedthe study, they fell in love with each other. Attacked by Sanjie’s sound of singing ,the rich man Huairen Mo

 wanted to marry her. But Sanjie refused. And at that time, Shitian Li

 was very good at singing and

 usually sang songs with Sanjie. Sanjie Liu

 The rich man felt angry about

 it and forced Sanjie to fall into the river. Sanjie ‘s spirit had been singing

 with Shitian Li

 for seven days and seven nights. Finally, they magically change into a pair of orioles and fried away.

 Thank you !Thank you !



 目录 英文版中国古代神话故事 ............................................................................................................... 1 1、精卫填海(版本一)

 ............................................................................................................... 2 2、精卫填海(版本二)

 ............................................................................................................... 3 3、精卫填海(版本三)

 ............................................................................................................... 3 4、愚公移山 ................................................................................................................................... 4 5、夸父追日(版本一)

 ............................................................................................................... 6 6、夸父追日(版本二)

 ............................................................................................................... 7 7、女娲补天 ................................................................................................................................... 9 8、玉兔捣药 ................................................................................................................................. 11 9、牛郎织女 ................................................................................................................................. 12



 The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei".

  The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea.

  One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You"ll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I"ll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it"ll take me thousands of years! I"ll fight on until doomsday!"

  The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.

  From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.



 Once upon a time, Yan has a small daughter, Her name is baby girl, he loved his little daughter, Yan often play with the girls, but the terrible thing happened, girls playing in the sea, unfortunately, dead water, and then She turned into a bird, named Jingwei, Yan sad day Jade Bird watching it, and finally decided to make this Jingwei filled the sea, so that he no longer claimed more lives! 中文:

 从前,有 1 个女孩叫做精卫,她很爱自己的父亲炎帝,他们经常在一起玩,每天都很开心。有一天,精卫去划船,丌小心掉迚了海里,后来她变成了 1 只鸟。她经常去看她的父亲,她的父亲为此很伤心。后来精卫决定用石子把那个海填起来。

 3 、精卫填 海 (版本三)

 The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound

 "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei". The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea. One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You"ll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I"ll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it"ll take me thousands of years! I"ll fight on until doomsday!" The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest. From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.

 4 、 愚公移山 Taihang, Wong Uk two mountains, up to a radius of 700, up to ten feet Qiba Qian. They originally located in the southern part of Jizhou, on the north shore of the Yellow River. Called the Foolish Old Man of the northern people, nearly 90-year-old age, living in the face of Hill. Foolish Old Man of the Hill suffer from blocking the road to the north, go all the way Raoyuan. Foolish Old Man

 of the then convened to discuss the whole family, said: "You and I both tried two big mountains to be leveled, it has to pass Yuzhou in the south, to reach the south bank of Han River, will you?" We have agreed with him. Foolish Old Man"s wife questioned said: "With your strength, not even the father of Quebec Hill have cut the land grievances, and can Taihang, Wong Uk Shan how these two do? Besides, where on earth to go?" We One after another: "to the edge of the earth and rock into the Bohai Sea, north of the hidden land." Foolish Old Man of the children and grandchildren can then lead the three-Tiaodan, stone cutting, digging the soil, Kei basket delivered to the edge of the Bohai Sea. Beijing"s neighbors last name has a widow orphans, just seven or eight years old, to help them bounce. Winter and summer seasons, the only one from this. The bend-chi to stop the Foolish Old Man of old gentleman with a smile: "You too smart. With your remaining years of effort, not to destroy a mountain of grass, mud and rock how can?" Foolish Old Man of the Beishan A long heavy sigh and said: "You thought stubborn, obstinate to the point where can not be changed, not as widows and small children. Even if I die, and his son in it; son and grandson of Health, sons and grandchildren; son and his son, Son and grandson; children and grandchildren did not come to an end, but Hill will not increase the height of injustice dug why worry? "Moses old gentleman does not bend,

 then to answer. Holding the snake mountain heard about it, for fear he kept digging continues, the Association reported on the matter. Emperor moved by his sincerity, the command"s E boast two sons go back two Hill. On the eastern part of a Shuofang, a Yongzhou on the south. Since then, in the south of Jizhou, north of the Han River, there is no barrier of high mountains.

 5 、夸父追日 (版本一)


 Kua Fu tried his best to chase the sun. When he arrived at the place where the sun set, he had to turned around, as he could not bear the thirst, and came to the Yellow River and the Wei River. In one breath, he quaffed up all the water in both rivers. Though he drank up two rivers, he still felt thirsty, and he decided to go to the large lake in the north for a good drink. On the way to the north, Kua Fu eventually died of thirst. The walking stick thrown down by him, being nurtured by the nourishment converted from his dead body, unexpectedly bloomed

 and fructified, and it grew into peach woods, which stretched for thousands of miles. 中文:

 夸父竭尽全力追赶太阳。当他追赶太阳降落的地方时, 由于忍受丌了干渴,只好掉转头,回到黄河、渭河所在的地方,一口气便将这两条河里的水喝得精光。


  6 、夸父追日 (版本二)

 Ancient times, in the north of the country, there is a magnificent towering Chengdu contained Tianshan mountains there lived a giant called Kuafu family clan. Kuafu tribe leader called braggadocio, he was extremely tall, Litaiwuqiong, strong-willed, the extraordinary spirit. At that time, the world"s desolation behind, poisonous snakes wild beasts run amok, and people"s lives miserable. Kuafu the purpose of this tribe of people can live births every day and led the crowd fighting with the scourge. Braggadocio often caught in ferocious yellow snake hanging in his ears as a decoration, be proud of. One year, days of drought. Like fire and the sun scorched the ground crops, dried up river water. One hot uncomfortable, I can not live. Kuafu

 to see this scenario, we set ambitious vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to the people"s instructions, and better service for everyone. One day, the sun had just risen from the sea, Kuafu take significant steps from the edge of the East China Sea began his daily journey. Sun in the sky flew forward, braggadocio on the ground as high winds to recover. Kuafu kept chasing 呀 chase, hungry, picking a wild fruit boxes; thirsty, and holding a river mouth thirst-quenching; tired, and was only a nap. His heart has been encouraging ourselves: "Soon, we must catch up with the sun, and people"s lives will be happy." He catch for nine days and nine nights, from the sun, closer to us, glowing red, burning hot sun on his own head 啦. Kuafu has crossed the one seat mountain, crossed a river section, and finally we must catch up with the sun-Yu Gu. At this time, Kuafu mind extremely excited. He may reach out to catch the sun, because of over-excitement, physical and psychological haggard, suddenly, Kuafu felt dizziness, actually passed out. When he awoke, the sun has long gone. Kuafu still not discouraged, he summon the body"s strength, she is preparing to set out. However, the closer from the sun, the more intense sunlight, Kuafu feel more and more intolerable anxiety, he felt he was covered in water have been evaporated, and urgent, he needs to drink plenty of water. So stand up and walk south-east of Kuafu the Yellow

 River, Fu Xiashen son, drank the water of the Yellow River, the Yellow River water was that he Hegan, and he was going to drink the water in the Weihe River. Who knows, he Hegan of the Weihe River water, or not to quench your thirst. As a result, he intended to go north, going to drink a lar...


rmony of

  Humoun and Nature


  〖Zhuangzhou Dreamed a Butterfly〗

  One day at sunsetZhuangzi dozed off and dreamed that he turned into a butterflyHe flapped his wings and made sure enough he was a butterflyHe had such a joyful feel-ing as he fluttered about that he completely forgot that he was ZhuangziSoon thoughhe realized that proud butterfly was really Zhuangzi who dreamed he was a butterflyOr was it a butterfly who dreamed he was Zhuangzi?

  Maybe Zhuangzi was the butterflyand maybe the butterfly was Zhungzi? This is what is meant by the“transformation of things ”




  〖A Fond Dream of Nanke〗

  In the Tang Dynastythere lived a person called Chun YufenOne dayhis friends came to celebrate his birthdayand Chun Yufen was drinking under an old pagoda treeWhen he became drunk he fell asleep Suddenly Chun Yufen met with two atomies who took him into a giant hole in the treehaving a ride to the great Kingdom of PagodaChun Yufen found himself in a fairy world with many red gatesmagnificent palacesluxuriant pavilions and beautiful gardens


  在中国唐朝有个人叫淳于棼。一天他过生日在门前大槐树下摆下宴席和朋友饮酒作乐好不快活。喝醉了之后他便睡着了。迷迷 糊糊之中 他突然感觉有两个使者请他上车 马车朝大槐树下一个树洞驶去 驶向 “槐安国” 。


  The king appreciated him very much so that he was named the mayor of Nanke a small town in the Kingdom Soon after he married the king’ s beautiful daughter Chun Yufen was so happy with the life there that he totally forgot his hometownTwenty years passedand Chun Yufen stayed as the very successful mayor of Nanke and raised a big family of five sons and two daughters

  国王非常欣赏淳于棼封他为“南柯郡太守” 。后来国王还将公主许配给他。淳于棼与公主过得非常幸福以致完全忘了自己的家 乡。淳于棼上任南柯郡太守后前后二十年的时间把南柯郡治理得井井有条还和公主生了五个儿子两个女儿。

  However,the kingdom was invaded by another country and Chun Yufen had to lead the troops to hold out the enemiesUnfortunatelyhis troops were defeated and his wifediedChun Yufen decided to leave the Kingdom of PagodaHe was sent home by the 2 atomies.As soon as he arrived homehe woke up to realize what had happened was just a dream.It was only a short napeven though in his dream he had experienced a whole 20 years of life

  Chun Yufen’s friends were interested in his dream.They looked down the tree and found an ant nest connected to a smaller nest in the south direction Obviously these

 nests explained what

 “Pagoda Kingdom”and“Nanke”really were!

  不料有个国家突然入侵淳于棼不得不率兵迎击不过他还是打了败仗。这时公主又不幸去世了。淳于棼决定离开“槐安国” 仍是由 两名使者送行。淳于棼回到家中突然惊醒过来原来是一场梦。不过是小睡一会儿而梦中经历却整整二十年。

  淳于棼把梦境告诉朋友大家感到十分有趣一齐找到大槐树下挖出一个很大的蚂蚁洞旁边有孔通向南边树枝那里有一个小蚂 蚁洞。很显然这就是所谓的“南柯郡” 、 “槐安国” 

  〖The Penumbras and the Shadow〗

  The penumbras asked the shadow “A moment ago you were looking down and now you are looking upa moment ago your hair was tied up and now it is hanging loosea moment ago you were sitting and now you are standing a moment ago you were walking and now you are standing stillHow is all this?”


  虚影问影子说 “你先前低着头现在仰起头先前束着发髻现在披着头发先前坐着现在站起先前行走现在停下来这是什么原因呢?”

  The shadow said “Gentlemenwhy do you bother asking me such trifling ques-tions?I do these things but I don’t know whyAm I like the shell of a cicada or am I like the slough of a snake?I look like the real thingbut I am not the real thingI appear with the flame or the sunbut fade with the shade or the night

  影子同答 “你为什么拿这样微不足道的事情烦我呢?我就是这样地随意运动 我自己也不知道为什么会是这样。我就如同寒蝉蜕下来的壳、蛇蜕下来的皮跟那本体事物相似却又不是那事物本身。火光与阳光使我显现阴暗与黑夜使我隐形。

  Do I depend on the real thing?But the real thing itself has to depend on something else!when the real thing comesI come with it; when the real thing goes,I go with it; when the real thing moves to and froI move to and fro with it.What is there to ask about?”

  我依赖有形的事物吗?而有形的事物又依赖什么呢?有形的物体到来我便随之而来 有形的物体离去我也随之而去 有形的物体俳徊不定我就随之不停地运动。


 〖Lips GoneTeeth Cold〗

  The King of Jin was going to attack Guoa state on the other side of Jin’s neighbor country YuThe Jin troops had to have Yu’s permission to go through its territory whichmost likelythe King of Yu would refuseThe King of Jin could not work out a planOne dayXun Xione of his ministers put forward a suggestion “Your Majesty if you send your most precious gifts to the King of Yuhe will probably be bribed into giv-ing consent ”


  晋国的国君想要攻打虢国但隔着一个虞国讨伐虢国必须经过虞地。对此虞国的国君可能会拒绝。晋君一直没能想出个好办法。一天大臣荀息献计说 “大王如果您能将珍宝献给虞国他不会不答应借道的。


  The King of Jin looked reluctantso Xun Xi said “Even if he accepts the giftsit doesn’t mean that he possesses themas they will soon be taken back by usThen what is there to be worried about?”Thus the King of Jin took up his plan

  晋献公一听有点舍不得荀息就说 “即使他接受了礼物也不意味着他就会拥有它们很快我们还会把它们拿回来的。您担心什么呢?”晋献公采纳了荀息的计策。

  The King of Yu agreed at once as soon as he saw the gifts。But Gong Zhiqia minis-ter of

 Yutook objection to itsaying “Guo is our neighbor countryour reliable friend, and the relationship between us is just like that between lips and teeth.As an old saying goes,‘when the lips are gone the teeth will feel cold’  so will our country be in danger when Guo is conquered If we let the Jin troops passthe gap between Guo"s destruction and ours is only a period of morning to evening ”But Gong’s advice was rejected.What happened thereafter just proved what Gong had said.

  虞国国君见到礼物当时就满口答应下来。虞国大夫宫之奇听说后赶快阻止道 “虢国是虞国的近邻 有事可以彼此帮助 我们之间就好像嘴唇和牙齿之间的关系。

 俗话说 ‘唇亡齿亡’ 万一虢国灭了我们虞国也就难保了。如果我们借道给晋国那么虢国和虞国的灭亡就是旦夕之间的事了。


  〖Perfectly Impartial〗

  King Jin Pinggong once asked his minister Qi Huangyang “I am going to appoint a magistrate and send him to govern Nanyang CountyWho do you think will fit the of-fice?”

  Qi answered without hesitation “Xie Hu may be the choice ”

  The King feit surprised and said “Isn’t Xie Hu your personal enemy?”


  晋平公有一次问大臣祁黄羊说 “南阳县缺个县长你看应该派谁去当比较合适呢?”

 祁黄羊毫不迟疑地同答说 “解狐。


  平公惊奇地问 “解狐不是你的仇人吗?”

  “Yes ”Qi replied “but Your Majestyyou ask me who will fit the postnot who is my enemy ”

  So Xie Hu took officeand he did do a lot of good things for common people inNanyang County

  Some time later when the King inquired who could take command of the army Qi responded readily “Qi Wu is most suited ”

  The King was puzzled againsaid “WellI wonder if Qi Wu is your son ”

  祁黄羊回答说 “是的但陛下问我谁合适并没有问谁是我的仇人呀!”


  过了一些日子当平公需要一个人去指挥军队的时候祁黄羊说 “祁午能够胜任。


  平公又奇怪起来了问道 “祁午不是你的儿子吗?”

  “Yeshe is ”Qi answered “but what has that to do with the point at this issue? Your Majestyyou just ask who is competent as a generaland I aired my opinion ”

  So Qi Wu was appointed a generalwhich later proved one of the wisest appoint-ments

  Hearing about thisConfucius spoke highly of Qi for his recommendation in consid-eration of one’s virtue and talentbrushing aside any thought of whether one was his en-emy or relativeHe said that it was really perfectly impartial

  祁黄羊说 “是的但这和推荐有什么关系呢?您只问我谁可以胜任我就表达了我的想法。



  孔子听到这两件事十分赞赏祁黄羊“内举不避亲外举不避仇”的荐才标准 并且说“这才够得上‘大公无私’呀!”

  〖Every Word Counts〗

  During the Warring States Period the troops of the State of Qin surrounded Han Dan city the

 capital of the State of Zhaoand the situation was very criticalSo the King of Zhao sent Lord Ping Yuan to the State of Chu for helpLord Ping Yuan intended to lead twenty assistants to accomplish this mission Nineteen qualified people were select-ed and one more was needed At this timeMao Sui volunteered to forward a plea to go with Lord Ping YuanAlthough Lord Ping Yuan was dubious about his capabilityhe still asked Mao Sui to go with them in the end



  As soon as Lord Ping Yuan arrived in the State of Chuhe started to lobby for Chu’s supportbut made no progressAccordinglyMao Sui said to the King of Chu “We come here to ask you to send relief forcesbut you did not utter a wordPlease don’t for-getalthough you are stronger than usyou have lost many battles and even your capital. From my point of viewuniting Z...




 According to legend, in ancient times the sky is the ten day at the same time, sun withered crops, The people are destitute., a hero named Hou Yi, Litaiwuqiong, he sympathized with the suffering of the people, boarded the Kunlun peak, the full power of operation, drew his bow and shot down nine more than the sun, and ordered the last time the sun rises and for the benefit of the people, the legend of the Mid Autumn Festival story, you know how much?.

 Hou Yi was respected and loved by the people, and Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind wife named Chang E. Hou Yi except Chuanyi hunting, the day and his wife together, people are envious of the loving couple.

 Many who came to Toushi, he also mixed in meng.

 One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun Mountains to visit a family and met the queen mother, who sought a package of immortality. It is said that taking this medicine will soon

 become immortal. However, Hou Yi could not bear to leave his wife, and had to give the immortality medicine to the goddess of the moon for the time being. The goddess of the moon will treasure box medicine hide into the dresser, but was seen by Peng Meng, he wanted to steal their immortal immortality drug.

 Three days later, Hou Yi led his disciples to go hunting, Peng Meng pretended to be sick, stay. Hou Yi was left to be near people, by holding a sword into the backyard, Chang E. Chang Peng Meng not know their opponent, critical when she make a prompt decision, turn to open the treasure box, take medicine to swallow. Chang e swallowed the medicine, immediately floated out of the ground, rushed out of the window and flew to the sky. Because the goddess of the moon worried about her husband, she fell to the moon nearest the earth and became a celestial being.

 In the evening, when Hou Yi returned home, the maids cried out what had happened during the day. Hou Yi is shocked and angry, evil sword to kill, by early escape, Hou Yi gas in deep sorrow, grief, looking at the sky, calling his wife"s name, he was surprised to find that today"s moon

 is exceptionally bright, but there is a shaking of the shadow like chang. He chased the moon desperately, but after three steps, the moon retreated three steps. He retreated three steps, and the moon went three steps, no matter how he could not reach it.

 Hou Yi helpless, and missing wife, after the garden had sent to the goddess of love, put on the table, put on her usual favorite food fresh honey, offering sentimentally attached to their fragrance in the moon. People who heard the news that changebenyue immortal, have on the display in Xiangan, to pray for good fortune peace.

 Since then, the Mid Autumn Festival in folk customs of worship.

 The mooncake festival began in the yuan dynasty. At that time, the broad masses of the central plains were unable to bear the cruel rule of the ruling class of the Yuan Dynasty, and they revolted against the yuan. Zhu Yuanzhang joined forces of resistance to prepare for the uprising. But the court officers and men searched very closely, and it was very difficult to pass the news. Consigliere Liu Bowen devised a plan, an order under the possession of "August fifteen night uprising" into

 possession of a piece of paper inside the pancake and then sent to the rebel army, informing them on the evening of August 15th uprising. To the day of the uprising, all together Yijun responseThe rebels as xinghuoliaoyuan.

 Soon, Xu Da took most of the yuan, the uprising success. The news came, Zhu Yuanzhang happy hurriedly mouth under the encyclical, in the coming Mid Autumn Festival, so that all the soldiers and then have fun with the citizens, started a secret message when the "moon cakes", as a reward seasonal cakes. Since then, the "moon cake" production is more sophisticated, more varieties, such as large disk, to become a gift of jiapin. Later on, the custom of eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival was spread among the people.


传统美德故事The Chinese traditional virtue story小故事大道理Small story truth制作:


 Kong Rong points pear•在孔融小的时候,叔叔曾经给他出了 一个难题, 让他把六个梨分给六•When Kong Rong was young,

 Uncl e once gave hi m a chal l enge,

 Let hi m put si x pears tosi x,•个弟弟妹妹, 但是必须还有一个梨在盘子里。

 聪明的孔融想出了 一个•brother and si ster, But must have a pear i n the di sh. Cl ever kong rong came up wi th a•办法, 圆满的把梨分了 。•sol uti on,

 The perfect pear poi nts.

 JinXiao pick up silver•••卖 油 郎 金 孝 拾 到 一 包 银 子,Sel l

 oi l

 LangJi nXi ao pi cked up a bag of money,

 Under the teachi ng of the mother i n hi s在 母 亲 的 教 导 下 他•返 回 原 处 找 到 失 主。

 不 料 失 主 却 赖 他 偷 拿 了 部 分 银 子。•return to my pl ace to fi nd the owner. And on he stol e the owner but took the part of the money。•相 持 不 下 时 , 县 官 来 到 。最 终 银 子 被 判 归 金 孝 母 子Deadl ocked,

 came to the magi strate.Fi nal l y the si l ver was sentenced to be Ji nXi aomother and chi l d.

 JuXian bole••秦 穆 公 欲 寻 好 马 ,Qi n mu and to fi nd a good horse,

 The musi c teacher "i n the horse sense years i t has hi gh,相 马 师 伯 乐 自 感 年 事 已 高,••于是向秦穆公推荐了 年轻的九方堙。So to QinMu male recommended young nine Yin party.•经过多 方努力寻找, 九方堙发现了 真正的千里马。After many efforts to fi nd,

 ni ne party Yi n found real

 wi nged steed.•

 KouZhun feast•••寇准要过生日 , 官员 们都来祝贺送礼。KouZhun" s bi rthday i s comi ng,

 offi ci al s came to congratul ate gi ft gi vi ng.••奶奶却向寇准忆起了 原来的艰苦日 子, 提醒他不要过于铺张。Grandma but to recal l

 KouZhun ori gi nal

 hard days,

 remi nd hi m not too stretched out.••寇准醒悟之下, 取消了 这个寿宴。KouZhun di si l l usi oned under,


 the bi rthday.

 Warm not forget the cold••晋公子 重 耳 率 随 从 狐 偃 等 人 在 外 流 亡 十 九 年后,Ji n chi l de ChongEr rate after fox chen-zun-shu and 19 years l ater exi l ed out,••秦王派兵拥他回国为 王 。Qin wang sending troops to hold him back for the king.

 Before I leave,

 pot of his old clothes up,临 行 前,壶 叔 收 拾 旧 衣 物,••重 耳 不 以 为 然 , 狐 偃 以 旧 衣 物 来 比 喻ChongEr di sagree,

 fox chen-zun-shu to ol d cl othes to metaphor••他 们 这 些 相 随 多 年 的 老 臣 。

 重耳恍然大悟,The y go




 ol d

 mi ni ster .

 ChongEr suddenl y real i ze,••困 难 中 相 处 的 人 是 不 能 忘 记 的 。The di ffi cul ty wi th the person who wi l l

 not be forgotten.

 樊哙闯宫FanKuai ran palace•汉朝大将樊哙有紧急公务赶到京城, 却得知汉高祖刘邦终日 不理朝政。The han dynasty FanKuai urgent busi ness wi l l

 have to ci ty,

 But al l

 that l i u bang hangaozu pal ace to i gnore.•••樊 哙 便 一 路 冲 开 御 林 军 的 拦 阻 , 闯 进 皇 宫 内 院,FanKuai and

 al l

 the way YuLi nJun push asi de the hi ndered,

 broke i nto the pal ace courtyard,••后在樊哙的直言相劝下, 刘邦 翻 然 悔 悟。After FanKuai outspoken i n counsel ,

 has l i u bang to repent.

 I mmedi atel y the whol e 立 刻 整 衣 上 朝。reason cl othi ng.

 burnboats••秦末时, 秦军进攻重新建立起来的赵国, 赵国向楚国求救。Qi n,

 when the attack to set up qi n zhao, Zhao to the State for hel p.••楚将项羽率兵渡江攻打秦军。Chu wi l l

 rate sol di ers agai nst qi n jun xi ang yu crossi ng.••过江之后, 项羽下令士兵把战船全部沉掉, 把灶锅统统砸烂。River after,

 xiang yu ordered the ship sink all soldiers,

 the kitchen pot all broke.••楚军没有了 退路, 人人奋勇 , 终于战胜了 秦军。Chujun had no choi ce,

 al l

 odds fi nal l y defeated Qi n Jun.

 Special will••孙叔敖是楚国很有贡献的老臣, 他临去世前留下遗嘱。SunShu ao chu i s have contri buted so the ol d mi ni ster,

 he l eft a wi l l

 before hi s death ••公子孙安听从父亲的意思, 不接受高官和丰厚的赏赐,Gongzi sunan l i sten to father means not accepti ng and generous rewards system for seni or offi ci al s,••只接受了 楚王赏赐的一块荒芜之地——寝丘,Onl y accept the ki ng chu a reward wastel and--the bed,••过着自 食其力的生活。A sel f-rel i ant l i fe.

 Xuanzang inspiration••唐代高僧玄奘去西天取经路过高昌国, 高昌国国王为了 提倡佛教,The tang dynasty was emi nent monks to buddhi st paradi se to take GaoChangGuo pass by,

 GaoChangGuo ki ng to advocate Buddhi sm,••极力挽留玄奘留在该国。

 但玄奘去西天的决心毫不动摇,Stay i n the country was fi ghti ng hard to keep.

 But to the determi nati on of the buddhi st paradi se was unwaveri ng,••在高昌国传播了 佛教之后, 他又踏上遥遥西天路。I n GaoChangGuo spread after Buddhi sm,

 and he set foot on a buddhi st paradi se road.

 谢谢观看• THE




的故事 There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China"s earliest poets. In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin. However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai. In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poems including Li Sao (The Lament), Tian Wen (Heavenly Questions) and Jiu Ge (Nine Songs), which had far-reaching influences. In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu"s capital, so he finished his last piece Huai Sha (Embracing Sand) and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone. The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.

 After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body. People threw into the water zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body. An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. That"s why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.

 据《史记》“屈原贾生列传”记载屈原是春秋时期楚怀王的大臣。他倡导举贤授能 富国强兵 力主联齐抗秦 遭到贵族子兰等人的强烈反对 屈原遭馋去职被赶出都城流放到沅、湘流域。他在流放中写下了忧国忧民的《离骚》、 《天问》、 《九歌》等不朽诗篇独具风貌影响深远因而端午节也称诗人节。公元前 278 年秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原眼看自己的祖国被侵略心如刀割但是始终不忍舍弃自己的祖国于五月五日在写下了绝笔作《怀沙》之后抱石投汨罗江身死以自己的生命谱写了一曲壮丽的爱国主义乐章。

  传说屈原死后楚国百姓哀痛异常纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只在江上来回打捞他的真身。有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物“扑通、扑通”地丢进江里说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了就不会去咬屈大夫的身体了。人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里说是要药晕蛟龙水兽 以免伤害屈大夫。

 后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食 人们想出用楝树叶包饭外缠彩丝发展成棕子。

 七夕的故事 七夕 这个古老的节日近几年再度受到热捧星空之上的爱情故事看来的确比大洋彼岸的情人节更加让我们心动

 Chinese Valentine"s Day falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. In China, this day is also known as "The Begging Festival".

 阴历 7 月 7 日是中国的情人节——七夕。在中国七夕又称“乞巧节”。——七夕节的不同英文名称翻译

 The seventh daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, the Weaving Maid, and an orphaned cowherd

 were separated by the Emperor; the girl was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd, to the star Altair.

 They were only allowed to meet on the magpie bridge over the Milky Way once a year on the day of seventh day of seventh lunar month - Chinese Valentine"s Day.



 lunar calendar阴历现在通行的阳历是 solar calendar。lunar 表示“月亮的”英文名 Luna其实是月亮女神的名字有取这个名字的女生是不是觉得很开心呢

 cowherd放牛人也即牛郎同样的一个词是 shepherd羊倌两个词都有一个-herd 后缀herd 有“放牧人”的意思不过通常都是作为后缀来构成“XX 牧人”的词。

 magpie喜鹊帮助牛郎织女见面的大功臣哦。虽然在七夕的传说中喜鹊给情人们带来幸福但是 magpie 这个词却有一个贬义的用法就是用来形容话多的人She chatters like a magpie. 她说起话来就没个完。


 似乎是 TVB 剧中经常出现七夕之夜女子祈求姻缘的桥段~不知道今年七夕有多少人会在星空之下默默祈祷呢

 On that night, unmarried girls prayed to the Weaving Maid star for the special gift. When the star Vega was high up in the sky, girls performed a small test by placing a needle on the water"s surface: If the needle did not sink, the girl was considered to be ready to find a husband. Once a year, on this day, girls could wish for anything their hearts desired. 七夕之夜未婚女子通常会向织女星乞巧也会乞求姻缘。她们将一根针放在水面上倘若针不下沉的话她们就能得偿所愿。据说这一晚女孩子们能祈求任何心愿成真。

 这里“乞巧”的这个“乞”我们可以说 beg也可以用 plead 这个词plead to be endowed with perfect sewing skills. 貌似这两个词都和浪漫气氛不符哦plead 其实更常见于法庭上律师为某人辩护就是 plead one"s case而那句我们耳熟能详的“不认罪”则是 plead not guilty反之“认罪”就是 plead guilty——注意这里的用法比较特殊哦是在动词 plead 后面直接加形容词 guilty——法官就会经常问这句话Do you plead guilty or not guilty你可认罪好有包大人的风范啊~也有一个更常见的情况就是被告人 plead insanity以精神失常为借口试图减轻刑罚。

 回到七夕乞巧的风俗吧 乞巧是为了精进自己的女红手艺 女红 注意啊注意啊 这里的“红”读音是“工”不要读错了哦也就是针线活用英语说就是 doing needlework。印象中女红活儿就是刺绣embroider吧不知道现在还有多少女孩子会刺绣活儿呢似乎大家都更prefer 简单易学的十字绣 cross-stitch 了。

 那么 学十字绣的话 也是需要乞一下巧的吧……

 至于祈求姻缘这个恐怕还是要看缘分哦如果两个人是 predestined to be together那么是无论如何都会相遇并相爱的吧。

 在这里祝天下有情人终成眷属吧 All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill!


 Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang"e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow.

  中文版 从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下

 Hou Yi obtained not dead Dan. Was known by loose Mongolia that loose Mongolia robs, Chang E from, does not have no recourse swallows down the pill of immortality, became an immortal. and immediately flew to the Moon became cents The Hou Yi not shed, in the back garden which likes to Chang E, displays the incense table, puts honey food fresh fruit which she usually most likes eating, the remote sacrifice is being attached to own Chang E in the moon.


 父亲节 父亲节Father"s Day是每年六月的第三个星期日(2011 年 6 月 19 日是父亲节)父亲节起源于美国在这天每个父亲都会接到来自他们孩子的礼物和问候。父亲节快乐Happy Father’s Day! Father’s Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. In fact when a “father’s day” was first proposed there were no Father’s Day cards!

 父亲节与普遍的误解不同的是 它并非是一个为了帮助贺卡制作厂商销售更多贺卡的节日。事实上当“父亲节”的提议首先被提出时父亲节贺卡根本就不存在。

  Mrs. John B Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a “father’s day” in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.

 华盛顿州的约翰布鲁斯多德夫人在 1909 年首先提出了设立“父亲节”的提议。多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子来向她的父亲———威廉 斯玛特表示敬意。


 The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that

 President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day.

 1910 年的 6 月 19 日人们在华盛顿庆祝了第一个父亲节。

 林登 约翰逊总统最终于 1966年宣布每年六月的第 3 个星期天为父亲节。

  Father’s Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day.


  重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival(the ninth day of the ninth lunar month)


  The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.

  Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475 221 BC).

  According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "Chong Yang Festival". (Chong means "repeat" in Chinese.) The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

  Climbing mountains: On th...

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